About me

Rajendra Kadam
Rajendra Kadam

Hi there!

Thanks for visiting my personal website 😄.

My name is Rajendra Kadam.

I’m a Neo4j Certified Professional and experienced software engineer with a passion for leveraging graph databases to solve complex problems.

With 7+ years of experience in the computer software industry, I’m proficient in Neo4j, Cypher Query, Neo4j Bloom, Python, Java, Data Visualization, GraphQL, and JavaScript.

I’m well-versed in data modeling and writing Cypher queries, and I have a deep understanding of the Neo4j graph database and its query language. Additionally, I’m experienced in developing GraphQL APIs for efficient data access and visualization.

I’m a strong engineering professional with a B.Tech in Computer Engineering from the College of Engineering Pune.

If you’re looking for a software engineer with expertise in graph databases and a passion for delivering impactful solutions, let’s connect!

I provide consultation and development services through Upwork.

I am a Top Rated Plus freelancer on the Upwork platform and have completed more than 55 small/medium-scale projects.

I also have listed my gigs on Fiverr. I am a Level 2 seller on Fiverr and completed more than 80 orders.